Audio Guide Rome – Saint Mary in Cosmedin

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The church of Saint Mary, being such a striking building, was defined with the use of the adjective cosmedin (from Greek kosmidion), beautiful.

In the 8th century, pope Adrian promoted its reconstruction and donated it to the Greek monks who came to live along the Tiber not far from the church.

The Church was built in the 6th century over the remains of the Statio Annonae, one of the food distribution centres of ancient Rome, and of the Templum Herculis Pompeiani, an altar dedicated to Hercules.

History seems to have left proof of its passage here.

Let’s observe, for instance, the wonderful seven floor steeple from the 12th century with its “bifore or trifore windows” and decorated with majolicas. This is a classical example of Roman style. Or again the portico from the 11th century wanted by Pope Callixtus II in 1700.

Audio Guide Rome – The Basilica of Saint Mary in Cosmedin